Welcome to Autistan.net, our virtual refuge !

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Autistan.net is the network of the autistic people in the world.

This is the “visual interface of the thoughts of the autistic people”,
which means that this website is the closest way to “reach Autistan” (i.e. to reach the autistic mental world).

And this is our autistic refuge, protected from the “social pollution” (disharmonies, confusions, nonsense, errors, vices, cheating, lies, aggressivity, greed, and so on)…

—> Learn how

or see our world map of all the users

or see a list of our groups

or have a look in the activities

If you have a link with autism,
and if you want to respect, here, “Honesty, Peace and Harmony”,
you may join Autistan.net, after reading the rules of the site.

Here, we are talking only about the things that we really like,
and not about the problems nor about the ordinary things.

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