1- Publishing of data
1.1- When registering, the users provide by themselves their own details, with their implied consent.
1.2- They can easily modify these data, in their section “My personal section” and “My complementary profile“
1.3- The first names and last names of the users are not published (unless they decide to use these names in their nickname or display name), except in the category [2] (“Users declaring being autistic”), which is the only category not allowing to appear anonymously.
1.4- The addresses of the users are not published as text, but the “world map” function allows to find, by zooming, the exact address (the house) if the user has provided a sufficiently accurate address.
The registration forms clearly ask to provide an approximate address (not the exact address).
1.5- The professional details of doctors or specialists who are certifying autism are published.
1.6- If a user wants to send us a medical certificate that contains private details unrelated to autism, he or she can simply “blur” (or mask) the sensitive and irrelevant paragraphs with an image processing software.
Only the sentences certifying that the person is autistic (and your identity and the professional’s details) are important.
1.7- If a user does not want the public to know that he or she is autistic, then he or she should not ask to join any of our groups publicly labelled as being for autistics users.
1-8- The documents sent to us during the registration process (like the proof of identity or the medical certificate) are, of course, never published.
The only things that are published, are those published by the users themselves (like pictures, post articles, comments etc.)
2- Processing of data
2.1- We do not collect data (for example, technical data).
All the data are provided by the users themselves.
2.2- The only treatment applied to the data is their secure off-line storage.
There is no other data processing, analysis, sharing, publishing (outside of what users publish themselves on the site), nor reselling of the data, etc.
3- Storage of data
3.1- Documents sent by users are not stored on the server, but they are stored on an encrypted local (offline) disk instead.
3.2- For security reasons, these documents are kept for all the duration of the user’s account, and also, in case of dispute, during 6 months after the termination of the account.
4- Right of cancellation and of removal by the users
4.1- Users can delete their account easily, in “My personal section“.
4.2- Users who delete their account can request the removal of their offline documents, by email at contact@autistan.net. In case of dispute, these documents may be kept by us during 6 months after the termination of the account, for the sake of analysing the issue(s), for the protection of the other users and for our own protection.
5- Responsible person for the sensitive data
The only person authorized to see, to process and to keep the personal documents uploaded by the users sent is :
Eric LUCAS (contact@autistan.net).
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6- Name, address and website of the organization managing the Autistan.net website
Autistan Diplomatic Organization,
Embassy of Autistan,
Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana 542,
22020-001, RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ,
Right of suspension and of removal by us
Being a user of the Autistan.net website is not a right, but a privilege granted free of charge (except for the “visitors”, who pay a very small “visa fee”).
Therefore, we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently block accounts or users whose activities or publications appear to be incompatible with the rules of the site, and who do not take our warnings into account.
Our conception of fair exclusion
Anyone who has activities contrary to our rules here will receive warnings, will be invited to give explanations, and will be listened to with attention and loyalty.
We will not exclude a user without offering him or her real opportunities to defend himself or to be defended.
If a “problematic” user does not reply to our messages on the site and by email, we will try to contact him by other means, in order to be sure that he had the possibility to give us his or her explanations.
Release of liability
We are not responsible for what may result from the publications or from the behavior of users.
Our rules are designed to avoid problems, and users should avoid publishing sensitive data.