Change my category

A- Change your category quickly 

B- General explanations about the categories and the groups

C- Change your category, after reading the detailed explanations about the conditions and about the rights specific to each category

A- Change your category quickly

Category [1] : The Verified Autistic Users
– Special conditions  :  Upload your identity document ; Upload your certificate of autism (or other  proofs of autism). (Doubts ? Detailed explanations here.)
– Special publishing rights  :  Publish articles, posts, pictures ; Publish  new topics in the  forum.
–> In order to be in this category [1] : Fill the form and upload your documents here.

Category [2] : The Users declaring being Autistic

– Special conditions : Upload your identity document ; Display your real first name(s) and your real last name(s) to the registered users ; Declare on honor that you are autistic ;  Provide, on honor, the following details of your (medical) certificate (by typing them in a form, without uploading that certificate) : the name, surname, address and professional number (or code) of the specialist of autism (recognized by the State) who issued the certificate, the date of the certificate, and the exact sentences stating that you are autistic. (Doubts ? Detailed explanations here.)
– Special publishing rights  :  Publish articles, posts, pictures ; Reply to topics in the  forum.
–> In order to be in this category [2] : Fill the form and upload your documents here.


Category [3] : The Users in the Autism Spectrum, and the Neurodiverse Users

– Special conditions  :  Upload your identity document. (Doubts ? Detailed explanations here.)
– Special publishing rights  :  Comment articles, posts and pictures.
–> In order to be in this category [1] : Fill the form and upload your documents here.

  Category [4] : The Collaborators, the Supporters and the Benefactors

(explanations and form under construction)

Category [5] : The Visitors with a Visa

(explanations and form under construction)


B- General explanations about the categories and the groups

When you first signup at, you arrive here as an “asylum seeker” (in the category [9]). You can remain an asylum seeker as long as you want, but you may prefer to switch to another category, especially if you are autistic : indeed, this is not logical to be a asylum seeker (or even a refugee) in your own “country” (Autistan).

Please note that, although there is obviously a relation between the groups and the categories, these are not the same things :

  • The groups are the spaces where you want to be, and they are not managed here in this page, but with the button or the link “Groups“. (Click to open in a new window.)
    • However, let’s mention that, as an asylum seeker, there are two groups where you can go easily, simply by clicking their “Join” button (and they are open to any member of any category)
      • The group “Refugees from Facebookistan (Click to open in a new window.) If you want to be in the group “Refugees of Facebookistan”, this can be a way to show that you are tired of Facebook and of the “mainstream” social networks, and that you are seeking some peace and “good vibes” here.
      • The group “Friends” (of Autistan) (Click to open in a new window.) You can also join (concurrently) this group, to show your support to the concept of “Autistan” (“the country of the autistics”, or “the world of the autistics” in a figurative sense). Do not feel any “obligation” to be in this group : you can be our friend without being there, don’t worry about that.
  • The categories [1] to [11] are about your personal status, and they determine which groups you can join.
    • Here is a summary of the categories [1] to [10] (and there are more details in the next section of this page) :
      • [1] The Verified Autistic Users
      • [2] The Users declaring being Autistic
      • [3] The Users in the Autism Spectrum, and the Neurodiverse Users
      • [4] The Collaborators, the Supporters and the Benefactors
      • [5] The Visitors with a Visa
      • [6] The Assistants (This is managed separately)
      • [7] (Not in use)
      • [8] (Not in use)
      • [9] The Asylum Seekers, the Refugees and the Friends (Category by default, for every newcomer)
      • [10] The Autistic Guests
      • [11] The Persons Publicly Recognized As Autistic

C- Change your category, after reading the detailed explanations about the conditions and about the rights specific to each category

  •  Category [1] : The Verified Autistic Users
  • Special conditions applying to this category :
    • 1/ Upload a good picture or a good scanned copy of your identity document (delivered by the public authorities of your country).
      • Always send pictures or scanned copies of the original documents, not of copies.
      • If necessary, you may upload several files when you fill the form.
    • 2a/ Upload a good picture or a good scanned copy of your certificate of autism (delivered by a specialist of autism officially recognized in your country, not by any doctor).
      • DON’T WORRY ! 
        • If your certificate mentions confidential things that you don’t want to send to us, this is not a problem : you can simply mask or “blur” these paragraphs with a software like Photoshop. – However : — You shall not crop the documents : in particular, the headers and the footers (if any) of the certificate should be clearly visible,. — If your certificate has several pages, you don’t need to send all the medical discussions and considerations : you have to show the conclusion, stating that you are autistic, which is usually located at the end of the last page. In other words : you can send only the first page and the last page (except if the conclusion about autism is on another page). 
      • The (medical) certificate must show clearly : your name, your surname, the name and surname of the person who certifies that you are autistic, his or her professional registration number or code, the date of the certificate, and the phrase or paragraph stating that you are autistic (“Asperger” is a form of autism.).
      • In case of doubts, you may find answers in the page “Privacy policy and legal notice
      • Always send pictures or scans of the original documents, not of copies.
      • If necessary, you may upload several files when you fill the form.
    • OR, if you do not have such a certificate (maybe because it is difficult to obtain in your country, or for other reasons),
      2b/ Provide explanations, and upload other evidences proving that you are autistic (other types of certificates, testimonies, videos, documentaries, etc.)
  • If you are ready to upload the required files (proof of identity and proofs of autism), and if you are aware of the rules of the site (Click to open in a new window), please click here to fill and to submit the form for the category [1] : The Verified Autistic Users
  • If you are not sure about the advantages of this category, please continue to read.
  • Special publishing rights applying to this category :
    • Right to publish new topics and answers in the forums (right exclusive to this category [1])
    • Right to publish personal posts, group posts, blog articles, pictures, and comments (right exclusive to the categories [1] and [2])
  • Special membership rights applying to this category :
    • Given that your proofs of autism are verified, you have the right to be part of the “People of Autistan”, hence, at the end of the verification of your documents : 
      • you will be added in the group “People of Autistan :  (click to see this group in a new window)
      • and you will have this icon :  (meaning that you are “verified”)
    • additionally, if you have provided an official (medical) certificate of autism, you are a “Certified Native” (because you are born autistic, and because you have a certificate), hence :
      • you will also be added in the group “Certified Natives :  (click to see this group in a new window)
      • and you will have the icon of this group :  (instead of   )
      • additionally (if you have provided and official (medical) certificate of autism), you have the right to the “nationality” or “citizenship” of Autistan. For this :
        • 1/ Display your real name and surname to the public, in your personal section (or ask us to do it for you). Indeed, it is not possible to be recognized officially as a citizen of Autistan, and to be anonymous at the same time.
        • 2/ Send an email requesting the nationality or citizenship of Autistan, to ;
        • 3/ After checking that you are actually a “Certified Native” and that your real name and surname are displayed publicly,
          • you will be added in the group “Citizens of Autistan (which means that you are “officially” a “national” of Autistan) : 
          • you will have the icon of this group :  (instead of   )
          • and, in the future, you will have the right to order your “National Identity Card” of Autistan (not free of charge).
    • Please note : If you cannot provide an official (medical) certificate, but only “other proofs“, you cannot be a “Certified Native”, but you are part of the “People of Autistan” and you can consider yourself as a “Resident“.
      • If you think that this is unfair, and that you deserve to be a Citizen of Autistan, you can contact us and we will analyse your case.
  • Common rights applying to all the groups :
    • Right to the system of friends, and private messages between friends
    • Right to have your location on the world map, and your personal section (profile page) with many personal details, and with links to your other pages and accounts etc.

If you are ready to upload the required files (proofs of identity and proofs of autism),
and if you are aware of the Rules of the site 
(Click to open in a new window),
please click here to fill and to submit the form for the category [1] :
The Verified Autistic Users

  •  Category [2] : The Users declaring being Autistic
  • Special conditions applying to this category :
    • 1/ Upload a good picture or a good scanned copy of your identity document (delivered by the public authorities of your country) ; Display your real first name(s) and your real last name(s) to the registered users.
      • Always send pictures or scanned copies of the original documents, not of copies.
      • If necessary, you may upload several files when you fill the form.
    • 2/ Declare on honor that you are autistic ;  Provide, on honor the following details of your (medical) certificate (by typing them in a form, without uploading that certificate) : the name, surname, address and professional number (or code) of the specialist of autism (recognized by the State) who issued the certificate, the date of the certificate, and the exact sentences stating that you are autistic.
  • If you are ready to upload the required files (proof of identity), if you have your certificate of autism under your eyes, and if you are aware of the rules of the site (Click to open in a new window), please click here to fill and to submit the form for the category [2] : The Users declaring being autistic
  • If you are not sure about the advantages of this category, please continue to read.
  • Special publishing rights applying to this category :
    • Right to reply to topics and answers in the forums (right exclusive to the categories [1] and [2])
    • Right to publish personal posts, group posts, blog articles, pictures, and comments (right exclusive to the categories [1] and [2])
  • Special membership rights applying to this category :
    • You have the right to be part of the group “Users declaring being autistic”, hence : 
      • you will be accepted if you click the “join” button for the group “Users declaring being autistic :  (click to see this group in a new window)
      • and you will have this icon :  (meaning that you have provided details of your certificate, as texts)
  • Common rights applying to all the groups :
    • Right to the system of friends, and private messages between friends
    • Right to have your location on the world map, and your personal section (profile page) with many personal details, and with links to your other pages and accounts etc.

If you are ready to upload the required file(s) (proof of identity), if you have your certificate of autism under your eyes, and if you are aware of the Rules of the site (Click to open in a new window),
please click here to fill and to submit the form for the category [2] :
The Users declaring being autistic

  •  Category [3] : The Users in the Autism Spectrum, and the Neurodiverse Users
  • Special conditions applying to this category :
    • Upload a good picture or a good scanned copy of your identity document (delivered by the public authorities of your country)
      • Always send pictures or scanned copies of the original documents, not of copies.
      • If necessary, you may upload several files when you fill the form.
      • In case of doubts, you may find answers in the page “Privacy policy and legal notice.
  • If you are ready to upload the required files (proof of identity), and if you are aware of the rules of the site (Click to open in a new window), please click here to fill and to submit the form for the category [3] : The Users in the Autism Spectrum, and the Neurodiverse Users
  • If you are not sure about the advantages of this category, please continue to read.
  • Special publishing rights applying to this category :
    • Right to comment personal posts, group posts, blog articles, and pictures (right exclusive to the categories [1] to [5])
  • Special membership rights applying to this category :
    • You have the right to be part of the groups :
      • “Users in the Autism Spectrum (non verified)”, and in this case : 
        • you will be accepted if you click the “join” button for the group “Users in the Autism Spectrum (non verified) :  (click to see this group in a new window)
        • and you will have this icon :  (meaning “autistic”, in our site)
      • “Neurodiverse Users”, and in this case : 
        • you will be accepted if you click the “join” button for the group “Neurodiverse users :  (click to see this group in a new window)
        • and you will have this icon :  (which is one of the symbols of the “neurodiversity” concept)
  • Common rights applying to all the groups :
    • Right to the system of friends, and private messages between friends
    • Right to have your location on the world map, and your personal section (profile page) with many personal details, and with links to your other pages and accounts etc.

If you are ready to upload the required file(s) (proof of identity), and if you are aware of the Rules of the site (Click to open in a new window),
please click here to fill and to submit the form for the category [3] :
The Users in the Autism Spectrum, and the Neurodiverse Users

  • Category [4] : The Collaborators, the Supporters and the Benefactors
    • (explanations and form under construction)

  •  Category [5] : The Visitors with a Visa
    • (explanations and form under construction)

 What is ?      Rules of the site      Privacy policy and legal notice