About the badges

The “Autistan.net User Engagement System” allows you to earn points (grey badge)  when you participate to the site, with your articles, your comments, your messages, and other actions.

Every time you earn 100 more points, you reach a new level (color badge) There can be up to 25 x 24 x 24 = 14400 levels (= 1440000 points), which is, of course, a theoretical maximum certainly impossible to reach.

These badges are displayed in your personal section, above your name, and they help the other users in order to know your degree of involvement as a user of Autistan.net.

Below is a list of the possible actions, and of the badges for the first 24 levels (plus the levels 25, 576, 577 and 601 as examples) :

There is a (minor) bug, that we cannot fix : if you click a link in the list below, or if you click the badges on the members profiles, everything that is displayed is wrong except the description.

[badgeos_achievements_list type=”all” limit=”100″ show_filter=”true” show_search=”true” orderby=”title” order=”ASC” wpms=”false”]

The four latest badges, at the end of this list, might help you to guess the color scheme for all the other levels (up to the theoretical maximum level 14400).

This system is existing since December 16th, 2018 : the actions performed before this date are not taken into account.
If you have already uploaded your avatar image and / or your cover image, we advise you to do it again (you may use the same images) : this way you will earn 25 and 35 points easily.

Do not confuse these badges (displayed before the user name) like 
with the “user icons” (displayed after the user name, and slightly smaller) about the status of the user, like