Reminder to read before publishing anything (including comments)

Subjects “from Autistan” :
– allowed and recommended here –

 Your special interests or passions

 The things that you really like

 Your wishes or hopes

 Your creations or collections

 Your original activities, your special capabilities

 The positive and useful thoughts

 You can share links, articles, images or videos made by others, if this talks only about things positive and useful for the autistic people, and not about problems.

—-> In short : please respect autism here !

Subjects “not from Autistan, but useful” :
– allowed only in our Forums –

 Activism and self-advocacy necessary to defend autism and the autistic people

Subjects “from outside of Autistan” :
– allowed outside of here – not allowed here –

Problems or suffering created by other people, or by their systems (including any text, image or video leading to remember these problems, and leading to bitterness, to despair etc. : the autistic people they do not come here to find again what they want to protect themselves)

“Normal” mental pollution and disasters (lies, cheating, distortion of the truth, perversions of all kinds, greed for power or for domination or for possession etc., contempt, aggressivity, hatred, inhumanity, injustice, disorder, disharmony, inconsistency, confusion, absurdity, inaccuracy, “dictatorship of the normality”, etc. etc. ; and all the catastrophes resulting : terrorism, demented massacres, general social psychosis, and all the “ordinary madness”…)

“Normal” physical pollution and disasters (destructions, pollutions or modifications of Nature ; harming or killing animals and vulnerable humans or genetic minorities, etc. ; and all the catastrophes resulting of these things…)

Ordinary conversations (just repeating or commenting what other people say or do…)

Re-publish information about what is happening outside of Autistan (for that, there are already millions of websites, outside of here)

Quarrels of all kinds

Interpretations, divination of others’ intentions ; assumptions and accusations without evidence

Complaints and negative things in general

—-> In short : please do not pollute our “virtual refuge” with “non-autistic illnesses” (which are  affecting most of the non-autistic persons, but not all of them).

(Note : You can discuss about all these things in the “normal” social networks (i.e. not “in Autistan”), which are perfect for that.)